Es un barrio central de uso residencial
que escapa de los esquemas generales del comportamiento de los demás barrios
Ha conservado en su rica
arquitectura el colorido, la sencillez, la frescura y calidez ambiental de un
pequeño pueblo dentro de una gran ciudad. En él sobresalen talleres
artesanales, anticuarios, espacios para el arte y la cultura y pequeños
restaurantes que mantienen la tradición colonial popular.
La Capilla de San Antonio
La blancura de su fachada se
mantiene intacta y contrasta con el verde de la colina, consta de una planta
rectangular y su portada de ladrillo con un arco de medio punto y pilastras
laterales del mismo material, en un estilo mudéjar, en su interior sobresale su
altar mayor de estilo barroco con auténticas imágenes de la época colonial,
sobresale la imagen del patrono de la capilla, San Antonio de Padua.
It is a central residential district of escaping from the broad outlines of the behavior of other central neighborhoods.
It has preserved its rich colorful architecture, simplicity, freshness and environmental warmth of a small town in a big city. In it stand artisan workshops, antique shops, spaces for art and culture and small restaurants that keep the popular colonial tradition.
The Chapel of San Antonio
The whiteness of its facade remains intact and contrasts with the green of the hill, consists of a rectangular brick and cover with an arch and side pillars of the same material in a Moorish style, stands inside his Baroque high altar with authentic images of the colonial era, stands the image of the patron of the chapel, San Antonio de Padua.
It is a central residential district of escaping from the broad outlines of the behavior of other central neighborhoods.
It has preserved its rich colorful architecture, simplicity, freshness and environmental warmth of a small town in a big city. In it stand artisan workshops, antique shops, spaces for art and culture and small restaurants that keep the popular colonial tradition.
The Chapel of San Antonio
The whiteness of its facade remains intact and contrasts with the green of the hill, consists of a rectangular brick and cover with an arch and side pillars of the same material in a Moorish style, stands inside his Baroque high altar with authentic images of the colonial era, stands the image of the patron of the chapel, San Antonio de Padua.
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