Dentro de los planes de rescate del río Cali
y del embellecimiento de sus riberas, nació la idea de ubicar una escultura
monumental en una de sus márgenes, fue así como el reconocido pintor y escultor
Hernando Tejada donó su obra llamada "El Gato del Río" para ser
fundida en bronce a gran escala, la cual tiene una altura de 3.5 metros, un
ancho de 3.40 y un espesor de 1.95 Metros.
Ubicación: Sobre la margen izquierda del río Cali, Av. 4ª Norte Oeste.
Within the bailouts of Cali River and beautifying its banks, she was born the idea of placing a monumental sculpture in one of its banks, was well as the renowned painter and sculptor Hernando Tejada donated his work called "El Gato del Río" to be cast in bronze on a large scale, which has a height of 3.5 meters, a width of 3.40 and a thickness of 1.95 meters.
Location: On the left bank of the river Cali, North West 4th Avenue..
Within the bailouts of Cali River and beautifying its banks, she was born the idea of placing a monumental sculpture in one of its banks, was well as the renowned painter and sculptor Hernando Tejada donated his work called "El Gato del Río" to be cast in bronze on a large scale, which has a height of 3.5 meters, a width of 3.40 and a thickness of 1.95 meters.
Location: On the left bank of the river Cali, North West 4th Avenue..
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