Un lugar
para disfrutar en familia, con los amigos es el Acuaparque de la Caña. Cuenta
con piscina con olas, toboganes y un sinnúmero de atractivos. los toboganes que llevan nombres como: ‘Tornado’, ‘extremo’ y
‘kamikazes’. Cuenta con dos salones para actividades diversas; un espacio
abierto-campestre para espectáculos musicales. Así como escenario y zona para
conciertos. Su zona de reserva para eventos masivos y desde luego sus canchas
para: fútbol, microfútbol en césped, sintéticas para fútbol 5; para tenis,
softbol y pista de trote. También disfrutar de lago para bicicletas, ciudad de
hierro, juegos estáticos, botes chocones. De 9:00 am
a 5:00 pm de martes a domingo (incluido festivos) en temporada baja, los lunes
se abren en temporada alta.
UBICACIÓN: Cra 8 # 39-01
Piscina Adultos (A partir de los 13 años 7/o 1,40 mts de estatura) 12,000
Piscina Niños (A partir de los 03 años y/o 1,00 mt de estatura) 9,500
A place to enjoy with family, with friends is the Acuaparque Cane. It features a wave pool, slides and countless attractions. the slides that carry names such as 'Tornado', 'end' and 'kamikaze'. It has two halls for various activities; an open-setting for musical performances. space And stage and concert area. Your reservation area for mass events and certainly their courts for football, microfútbol on grass, synthetic for football 5; Tennis, softball and jogging track. Also enjoy the lake for bicycles, iron city, static games, bumper boats. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm from Tuesday to Sunday (including holidays) in low season, open on Mondays in high season.
LOCATION: Cra 8 # 39-01
Pool adults (13 years 7 / or 1.40 meters tall) 12,000
Children pool (From the 03 years and / or 1.00 mt tall) 9,500
A place to enjoy with family, with friends is the Acuaparque Cane. It features a wave pool, slides and countless attractions. the slides that carry names such as 'Tornado', 'end' and 'kamikaze'. It has two halls for various activities; an open-setting for musical performances. space And stage and concert area. Your reservation area for mass events and certainly their courts for football, microfútbol on grass, synthetic for football 5; Tennis, softball and jogging track. Also enjoy the lake for bicycles, iron city, static games, bumper boats. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm from Tuesday to Sunday (including holidays) in low season, open on Mondays in high season.
LOCATION: Cra 8 # 39-01
Pool adults (13 years 7 / or 1.40 meters tall) 12,000
Children pool (From the 03 years and / or 1.00 mt tall) 9,500
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